Yoga and Parenting Video | Yoga NOW


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JANE. An episode about yoga and parenting. Emily is our studio owner and a mother of two.

EMILY. I have two children; I have a 5 year old, Tate and I have a 1 year old daughter, Rudy.

JANE. So how has your yoga practice changed form before and after becoming a mother.

EMILY. My yoga practice before and after becoming a mother is totally different. I remember before I had children, I never understood how people didn’t have time to practice yoga. And then once I had my first child, I thought, “oh, this is why people don’t have time to practice yoga”. Because it is so all encompassing especially at the age that my children are which is very young where they still are… need a lot of mommy.

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JANE. What would you say are some of the yogic principles that could really serve mothers and fathers out there on a philosophical level to being good parents.

EMILY. Well, ahimsa; compassion. Compassion toward yourself as a parent because it’s not easy and we all make mistakes and we always have the opportunity to begin again. So having the compassion toward ourselves is probably the most important.

EMILY (and TATE). Can you do Tree Pose or Airplane Pose?…..Alright Tate!

JANE. Hi this is Jane, I’d just like to take a second to remind you that you can sign-up for our newsletter and as a bonus receive free full length episodes of Yoga Now. It’s a great way to stay up with the news in the yoga world. Just click on the subscribe button at the top of this screen.

Here are the topics Jane covers in the full length show (it’s only 15 minutes). There’s a convenient new viewing option that divides the show into sections that you can jump to at any time.

  • The Family
  • Yoga After Kids
  • Applying Yoga to Parenting
  • How a Yoga Practice Benefits New Parents
  • Use Compassion (ahimsa)
  • Benefits of Meditation
  • Beginning Yoga for New Parents
  • Partner Yoga for Parents or Not?
  • Single Parents and Yoga
  • Other Advice
  • Tate’s Debut

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  • 10 years ago