Beat the Winter Blues | Yoga NOW


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JANE. Have you ever had a case of the winter blues or stronger? Do you feel sad during the winter season? Tune in to this episode Yoga Now for tips and tools to feel better this winter.

Welcome to Yoga Now, I’m your host, Jane Lanza. Today we’re talking about SAD, seasonal affective disorder that affects more of us than you might imagine. Do you know that feeling in the midst of winter being sad, lethargic, achey? Well, you’re not alone.

When the brain is experiencing less light – particularly sunlight, extra melatonin is produced. Melatonin is a hormone that controls our sleep cycles and our Circadian rhythms and is also linked to depression.

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JANE. Women have an eight times greater chance of feeling sad than men do. I’d like to begin by saying that the recommendations that follow are by no means substitutes for medical advice. We suggest you consult your physician before trying any of the practices; in particular light treatment. This is the most common recommendation for seasonal affective disorder.

And now we’d like to recommend our very favorite remedy of all, Yoga.

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  • 8 years ago