June 2014

Yoga Outdoors! Take your yoga way off the mat and combine your practice with the natural world. Check it out!________
April 2014

Learn about the Goddess in you; She’s coming back strong. Guy’s this is for you too. Check it out!________
January 2014
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]November 2013

Give like a yogi during the holidays. You don’t need to spend a lot, just spend wisely and achieve greater satisfaction.
September 2013
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]July 2014

Yoga with Horses! A new twist on Yoga that’s growing in popularity. It challenges body and mind. Check it out!________
May 2014

Two thumbs up for this FREE review of online yoga classes. Learn how online can help your in-person practice.
February 2014

Unconditional Love! What is this thing? How to get it and how to give it. Try it, you’ll love it. —————
December 2013

Green Yoga, are you doing it? Extend the body-awareness learned on the mat into your life off the mat.
October 2013

Recovery from injury and abuse. Amazing stories from Todd and Candace and how yoga helped each through difficult times.