Yoga NOW – February 2014 Free Preview
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Jane Lanza: Julia teaches hatha yoga; vinyasa yoga, but it’s a yoga particularly inspired by compassion and unconditional love. We’ll get a little bit further along with Julia’s particular work later in the show. We’re gonna begin today by focusing on you. Strings attached; “I love you if you’re behaving a certain way for me, if I’m getting something in return.” And then there’s the idea of unconditional love, which is a little more closely wrapped up in the divine. Especially if you’re watching this show at home, you probably have a yoga practice or an interest in yoga, but for many of us meditation can feel more foreign. Although it’s the end goal of meditation, and for many of us the beginnings of yoga can also get left out. Sometimes, they’ll take a yoga class and never even mention meditation. We think yoga is just a physical thing.
Julia Howe Sullivan: And step one has to be listening, so we aren’t going with some game plan. Hey little one.
Jane Lanza: We have a new guest on the show. Sneaky Pete is feeling the love.
Julia Howe Sullivan: I love it!
Jane Lanza: All you have to do is emit love and beings; humans and other mammals alike, they feel it. So welcome to the show Sneaky Pete.
Julia Howe Sullivan: This is great. Even Sneaky Pete has that same drop of the ocean within him, and we are one with him.
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