Category Archives for "YN PREVIEWS 2013"

Yoga NOW – December 2013 Free Preview


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Russell Comstock: Through a yoga practice, we become more sensitized to the conditions of our own body because we’re more conscious in breathing, we’re paying attention to sensations, we’re moving in ways that open up new areas of the body, and in that process it’s very practical and very accessible. In the U.S., the yoga of postures is very, very popular. So that being the doorway, the portal opens us to the opportunity to start paying attention to oh not only my body, but perhaps my partner or my environment, my house, my children, my animals. It just naturally lends itself to the possibility of spiraling into larger and larger circles.

Jane Lanza: What are some simple changes or actions we could take to have a more green yoga practice? I roll out my plastic mat with my plastic water bottle, my fluorescent lights hypothetically. Do you have any simple, affordable suggestions for getting back to nature or literally taking our practice outside? I know it’s winter in many places now. But how can we have a more green sadhana or yoga practice even or life?

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  • 11 years ago

Yoga NOW – November 2013 Free Preview


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Jane Lanza: In our society, the message reads, “Gifts equal fulfillment. You get this product at the holidays, and you will be satisfied.”

Jenn Jarecki: I would say that is the message. I’m not sure that’s exactly the experience. I saw once this father had purchased some ridiculously expensive video game thing for his 3-year-old, and the video shows this kid ripping it open, rips it out of the box, places it to the side and is head over heels for the box.

Miv London: I think the basic message of yoga is that fulfillment doesn’t come from external objects or spending money or stuff, but that fulfillment comes from within. It comes from finding peace and contentment in your own self and from discovering your true nature, which is living, open, peaceful, and kind.

Jane Lanza: Thanks Miv for mentioning metta meditation, loving kindness. It’s a direct experience and a cultivation of gratitude. Let’s go ahead and practice metta meditation now. Do you mind leading this for us?

Miv London: Sure.

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  • 11 years ago

Yoga NOW – October 2013 Free Members


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Jane Lanza: Hi. Welcome to another episode of Yoga Now I’m your host Jane Lanza. Our guests today are Todd Otten and Candace Taylor. Welcome to the show.

Todd Otten: Thank you, Jane.

Candice Taylor: Thank you. I’m happy to be here.

Jane Lanza: Today our show is about ordinary people living extraordinary lives. These two individuals have been transformed by the power of yoga as have many of us who walked yogic path.

Candice Taylor: In 2007, when I moved to Vermont, after probably one of the most difficult experiences in my life, I had been in an incredibly violent marriage for about 5 or 6 years, and it took quite some time and courage to leave that relationship. So once I did, I relocated to Burlington, Vermont. I fell into a yoga class, and it really helped me in that process in my life, where I was deeply emotionally just devastated and lost. I was a dancer. That was my background. I had been a dancer all my life, since I was a little girl. Took professional ballet, tap, jazz, and in college I was working very closely with the head of dance and was doing Afro-Cuban dance, West African dance and dancing. Whenever I could know or experience the word “freedom,” it was through dance and body movement. So I decided that yoga would be a good opportunity for me to maybe reconnect with myself in an empowering way at a time when I didn’t feel so powerful.

Todd Otten: I started off in this practice a few years ago. I was depressed and recovering from injury and multiple surgeries that didn’t work out. It was suggested to me to try yoga. My doctor referred me to some yoga therapy, and I got involved in that. The next thing you know my yoga therapist was encouraging me to get out into the community and take regular yoga classes in yoga studios. I started doing that, and that basically opened up a whole new world for me.

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  • 11 years ago

Yoga NOW – September 2013 Free Preview


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Jane Lanza: Hi. Welcome to Yoga Now. I’m your host, Jane Lanza. This month we’re excited to have Yogi Raj Prem Prakash joining us.

Prem Prakash: Most of us in our confused state of mind are seeking union with objects and relationships in the world. Not because we’re bad, but simply because we’re confused about what it is that will bring us happiness and satisfaction. The yoga path says turn your consciousness from outward seeking, because the outward seeking is driven by fear, loneliness, and confusion. Turn your outward seeking in and find the resolution to the question of: What will make one happy? What will make me happy? What will provide me with a sense of satisfaction and love and finding that within? And this is the path of yoga. When you get up in the morning, sit for ten minutes. Honestly, ten minutes. If you can’t do ten minutes, do five minutes. If you can’t do five minutes, do one minute. Everybody can find 60 seconds, 1 minute, okay? One minute a day, every day for a year, at the end of the year is 365 minutes. That’s . . .

Jane Lanza: Six hours.

Prem Prakash: . . . six hours. You’ve started. Six hours of meditation. If you’re doing 10 minutes, it’s 60 hours of meditation a year. You can’t help but become more of the person you want to become, that you already feel within yourself. With 60 hours of medication, that’s all.

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  • 11 years ago

Yoga NOW – August 2013 Free Preview


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Amanda Anderson: Namaste. I’m host, Amanda, and we’ve got Lauren Rudick with us today for an episode of Yoga Now. She is the creator of Avigna Yoga. So if you could just tell us a little bit about your yoga and what you’re up to.

Lauren Rudick: Great. So Avigna Yoga to me represents empowerment. It represents overcoming our obstacles and represents becoming the people who we really want to be, achieving our ideal selves. Three components to it. There’s a lecture component, a discussion and an asana practice.

Amanda Anderson: Okay.

Lauren Rudick: So we bring in a lot of different themes about yoga and about sexuality. It is not tantra. In this workshop, we also touch on how yoga and sex interplay in the Western world today, how yoga has become sexualized a little bit in the Western world, and how yoga and sex originated as a practice of Brahmacharya, which is of celibacy, and what do we do with that now? So Amanda I’m going to take you through a little yoga sequence for yoga for better sex and kind of just to get you a little bit in tune with your body. This is a practice that for me makes me feel incredibly feminine, incredibly just kind of sensual. It’s more of a dance than anything else.

Amanda Anderson: Well, that was great, and I definitely feel like I’m ready to have . . .

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  • 11 years ago