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Ana Forrest: And part of Fierce Medicine is also having the courage to speak really honestly. Like if I perceive something or if I care for you, to speak that even though I really want to be shy and hold it back. Ana Forrest: I’m facing this way. Face right here so I can watch your back. {adinserter YN OFIE 1} Amanda: OK. Ana Forrest: Now, bring the back of your skull over the tailbone; neck is long. Now I’m having my back to the camera so the viewers can see that too. Receive our email Newsletter and watch more Yoga NOW – FREE
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Wholistic Care NY | Yoga NOW Show. East meets west in New York. Wholistic Care New York founder Kalpana Reddy ______
Meditation Meets Yoga | Yoga NOW Show. Get the full picture: Meditation is the practice for the Mind.______
Todd Norian Interview | Yoga NOW Show. Unique yoga system, jazz musician, great live demo – Wow!______
Unique Yoga Gift Ideas | Yoga NOW Show. Jump start your brain toward some of the most unique holiday gifts.______
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Jane Lanza: Welcome to a very special episode of Yoga Now. Today we’re joined by the very venerable Lama Migmar.
Lama Migmar: I’ve learned yoga as part of my spiritual practice. So, to practice yoga you need to be initiated, you need to receive transmissions, you need to receive instructions from an authentic lineage. And as a Buddhist yoga; then the yoga has to be coming from Buddha. So Buddha is the first teacher of the yoga.
But now in the west… I think recently I’ve done some interview with the yogis and what is yoga. So, there are so many different answers. For some, yoga is carma; for some yoga is health. For some yoga is love. For some yoga is exercise. For some yoga is therapy. So it can be many different things for many different people because now they are bringing yoga to their level according to their need.
{adinserter YN OFIE 1}
Jane Lanza: Can you tell us about Sakya Center; what you do. What Sakya Center in India is and what Sakya Center here in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Lama Migmar: Actually in Tibetan Buddhism, we have four major traditions. We have… yeah, and Sakya is one of those traditions. And then Sakya actually was the second oldest tradition. And Sakya emphasized only study and practice together in a parallel.
Jane Lanza: Hi, this is Jane. I just want to take a second to remind you. You can sign up for our newsletter and as a bonus get access to free full length episodes of Yoga Now. It’s a great way to stay up on the news in the yoga world! Just click on the subscribe button here at the bottom of the screen.
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Wholistic Care NY | Yoga NOW Show. East meets west in New York. Wholistic Care New York founder Kalpana Reddy ______
Meditation Meets Yoga | Yoga NOW Show. Get the full picture: Meditation is the practice for the Mind.______
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Todd Norian Interview | Yoga NOW Show. Unique yoga system, jazz musician, great live demo – Wow!______
Unique Yoga Gift Ideas | Yoga NOW Show. Jump start your brain toward some of the most unique holiday gifts.______