Category Archives for "YOGA NOW 2014"

Yoga Outside Video | Yoga NOW | Preview


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Yoga Outside (Outdoors)

Jane Lanza: We’re here to have some fun today, and we hope you do too, exploring different ways to integrate everyday objects into your yoga practice. Although it’s a blessing to practice yoga inside, you can practice yoga anywhere, anytime, anyone.

And start to extend your arms overhead. At the top of your inhalation, let your palms touch, and you might extend your gaze upward toward the sky. As you exhale, circle your hands to your heart. Feel your feet on the earth once more. We’ll inhale to extend arms overhead. Lift your gaze now. Gaze at the blue sky. It might be full of clouds or bright. And as you exhale, bring your gaze back to the horizon and your awareness to the earth.

We’re going to show you different ways you can use the tree or use the telephone pole to achieve yoga postures, perhaps even different degrees than you could on your own. So with the tree’s permission, we’re going to begin with a variation of downward-facing dog, a modified Adho Mukha Svanasana.

So let’s explore now, chair position with the tree at your back. Come on over to the tree and bring your spine as upright as possible. Your sternum is energetically lifting upward, but your shoulders are relaxed down. The top of your thigh bones are pressing backward and your sitting bones toward the earth. And as much as you comfortably can now, bend your ankles. You can also do this at the wall. Bend your knees and get as deep into chair position as possible so you have a sense of feeling alive and awake while also you’re supported and relaxed and calm. So this is a great practice to do when you want to energize.

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  • 10 years ago

Yoga Classes Online Review Video | Yoga NOW


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Review of Yoga Classes Online

Jane Lanza: Hi, welcome to Yoga Now. I’m your host Jane Lanza, and today we have a very special guest, Yogini Amanda Young Dula and owner of Shanti Mama Wellnes. Welcome to the show.

Amanda Young: Thank you for having me.

Jane Lanza: Today we’re going to explore the wide world of online yoga. Many people practice in the studio, with a community, fellow students, teachers. But with the advent of the Internet, now you don’t even have to leave home. Amanda and I had a blast preparing for this episode, and we’re going to share with you what we found through our brief glimpse into this wide world of Internet yoga. So there’s a few different types of Internet yoga out there. We have the pre-recorded classes that you can tune into anytime. You may or may not need to pay for a membership for these. We have the interactive courses. There’s only a couple of websites out there doing this now. One of them is called I believe I’m pronouncing that correctly. This is the type of viewing experience where your teacher can watch you because you set up a webcam. So quite simply the yoga is accessible to you if you have a laptop, which many people do, or a smartphone, which many people, do with a camera. So it’s stationary on you, and there’s only one angle, but it’s slightly different than a pre-recorded yoga class in that your instructor can watch you and give you feedback. So today on this episode we’ll compare a little bit about the different types of Internet yoga classes out there and then some of the big players in the market. So Amanda, how has your experience been taking classes online perhaps in comparison to going to the studio for class?

Amanda Young: Well, I actually just signed up with . . .

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  • 10 years ago

Yoga NOW – April 2014 Free Preview


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Jane Lanza: Hi, welcome to Yoga Now. I’m your host Jane Lanza, and we’re joined today with Emily Piper and Adena Harford. We’re on location at the Goddess Retreat in Pittsfield, Vermont, and we’re particularly excited to be shooting outside of the studio today, practicing yoga in the real world. Welcome to the show.

Emily Piper: Thank you.

Adena Rose: Thanks.

Jane Lanza: Today’s episode is devoted to the goddess. The goddess is a part of many myths, many cultures, and many traditions throughout human history. But there was a long period of time on the earth where the goddess became quite suppressed. Now we see there’ a revival of interest in the goddess, and she’s brought us all here
together today.

Do you consider the goddess to be something external, one person or
many people, when we talk about this force uniting us as sisters

We’re talking about a movement among women everywhere, young and old, from all different backgrounds, who wear jeans or yoga
clothes or business clothes, and we’re not united in feminism or
a need to overpower, but in a need to create balance and harmony
in a world where the goddess might be out of balance.

So talk to me a little bit about what the goddess means to you,
or why you think we are experiencing a revival of the goddess

Emily Piper: Well, I think that the goddess can be found in every person, male or female, that it’s just part of our energy, that there is
feminine energy and masculine energy.

Jane Lanza: Okay. We have a meditation for you to practice along with us now to continue accessing the great goddess within. Enjoy.

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  • 10 years ago

Yoga NOW – February 2014 Free Preview


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Jane Lanza: Julia teaches hatha yoga; vinyasa yoga, but it’s a yoga particularly inspired by compassion and unconditional love. We’ll get a little bit further along with Julia’s particular work later in the show. We’re gonna begin today by focusing on you. Strings attached; “I love you if you’re behaving a certain way for me, if I’m getting something in return.” And then there’s the idea of unconditional love, which is a little more closely wrapped up in the divine. Especially if you’re watching this show at home, you probably have a yoga practice or an interest in yoga, but for many of us meditation can feel more foreign. Although it’s the end goal of meditation, and for many of us the beginnings of yoga can also get left out. Sometimes, they’ll take a yoga class and never even mention meditation. We think yoga is just a physical thing.

Julia Howe Sullivan: And step one has to be listening, so we aren’t going with some game plan. Hey little one.

Jane Lanza: We have a new guest on the show. Sneaky Pete is feeling the love.

Julia Howe Sullivan: I love it!

Jane Lanza: All you have to do is emit love and beings; humans and other mammals alike, they feel it. So welcome to the show Sneaky Pete.

Julia Howe Sullivan: This is great. Even Sneaky Pete has that same drop of the ocean within him, and we are one with him.

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  • 10 years ago

Yoga NOW – January 2014 Free Preview


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Krissy Ruddy: So Ayurveda, like you said, is the sister science of yoga. It’s literally translated to the science of life. So it’s a way of looking at the world and who we are and how we relate to nature and also how we can come into balance with the energies that already exist in nature. So one of my favorite practices is abhyanga. This is like a self-oil massage. So oil, the energy of oil is more, you know, viscous. It’s lubricating, and if you heat it, it has a nice warm quality to it. So that’s definitely going to help bring some balance.

Jane Lanza: So let’s get to the soup.

Krissy Ruddy: All right. So I brought a little bag of goodies from my house, just so you can see. So it’s really easy, and, like Jane said, you can have this one pretty often. It has miso in it. It can be a little bit on the salty side, so maybe not every single day. But I love miso because, as a vegetarian, it adds some body and a little bit more depth to your soups, and especially during the wintertime you want to have lots of soups that are nice and nourishing and warm. So that’s the main ingredient. But pretty much what you’re going to do is take a pan or a soup pot and just put a little toasted sesame or sesame oil in the bottom of it and start to let it heat up over medium heat. Then you’re going to add . . .

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  • 10 years ago