Yoga Outside Video | Yoga NOW | Preview
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Yoga Outside (Outdoors)
Jane Lanza: We’re here to have some fun today, and we hope you do too, exploring different ways to integrate everyday objects into your yoga practice. Although it’s a blessing to practice yoga inside, you can practice yoga anywhere, anytime, anyone.
And start to extend your arms overhead. At the top of your inhalation, let your palms touch, and you might extend your gaze upward toward the sky. As you exhale, circle your hands to your heart. Feel your feet on the earth once more. We’ll inhale to extend arms overhead. Lift your gaze now. Gaze at the blue sky. It might be full of clouds or bright. And as you exhale, bring your gaze back to the horizon and your awareness to the earth.
We’re going to show you different ways you can use the tree or use the telephone pole to achieve yoga postures, perhaps even different degrees than you could on your own. So with the tree’s permission, we’re going to begin with a variation of downward-facing dog, a modified Adho Mukha Svanasana.
So let’s explore now, chair position with the tree at your back. Come on over to the tree and bring your spine as upright as possible. Your sternum is energetically lifting upward, but your shoulders are relaxed down. The top of your thigh bones are pressing backward and your sitting bones toward the earth. And as much as you comfortably can now, bend your ankles. You can also do this at the wall. Bend your knees and get as deep into chair position as possible so you have a sense of feeling alive and awake while also you’re supported and relaxed and calm. So this is a great practice to do when you want to energize.
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