Yoga NOW – January 2014 Free Preview
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Krissy Ruddy: So Ayurveda, like you said, is the sister science of yoga. It’s literally translated to the science of life. So it’s a way of looking at the world and who we are and how we relate to nature and also how we can come into balance with the energies that already exist in nature. So one of my favorite practices is abhyanga. This is like a self-oil massage. So oil, the energy of oil is more, you know, viscous. It’s lubricating, and if you heat it, it has a nice warm quality to it. So that’s definitely going to help bring some balance.
Jane Lanza: So let’s get to the soup.
Krissy Ruddy: All right. So I brought a little bag of goodies from my house, just so you can see. So it’s really easy, and, like Jane said, you can have this one pretty often. It has miso in it. It can be a little bit on the salty side, so maybe not every single day. But I love miso because, as a vegetarian, it adds some body and a little bit more depth to your soups, and especially during the wintertime you want to have lots of soups that are nice and nourishing and warm. So that’s the main ingredient. But pretty much what you’re going to do is take a pan or a soup pot and just put a little toasted sesame or sesame oil in the bottom of it and start to let it heat up over medium heat. Then you’re going to add . . .
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