Wholistic Care NY Video | Yoga NOW
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JANE. Welcome to Yoga Now, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Kalpana Reddy from Wholistic Care New York.
KALPANA. When Wholistic Care started; I think the origin of it started in the ‘80s when I used to do death and dying work, I always wished there was a place for people to come to that’s safe and nurturing and that they could rest their burdens. But by the time Wholistic Care came along I had my trainings in yoga, meditation, yoga therapy, and life coaching. So, my idea about wholistic care was about; can I hold a container for people to be whole in their wholeness. That nothing is missing with them whether they come for cancer care or they come for death and dying or they’re anxious or panic attacks. Just to say to them, you’re whole as you are and all we have to do is help you remember your wholeness and restore back that balance.
JANE. Can you tell us a little bit about your affiliation with the Alice Hyde medical center?
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KALPANA. I went to the administration with Deepak Chopra’s dvd he did for the Harvard medical staff and the dean. And it was all about the importance of wholistic services. I did my spiel to the administrator and then I also suggested to him to watch this. And he was already interested in how meditation could help because he knew people were coming to me.
JANE. Hi this is Jane, I’d just like to take a second to remind you that you can sign-up for our newsletter and as a bonus receive free full length episodes of Yoga Now. It’s a great way to stay up with the news in the yoga world. Just click on the subscribe button at the top of this screen.
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