Yoga & Natural Horsemanship Video | Yoga NOW


Yoga & Natural Horsemanship

Natural Horsemanship & Yoga | A new twist growing in popularity

You may have guessed that at Yoga NOW, we see a lot of benefit to living, being, and thinking in the Now moment – the present. Rather than spending minutes that turn into hours or days thinking about what happened in the past; or the flipside, thinking about how things will be in the future – living, being, thinking about events happening – right now – is much more beneficial. This has been demonstrated by a great many people. Here’s the connection between Now-ism and Yoga with Horses.

Engaging in a yoga practice with a 1300 pound horse (and a qualified teacher, of course); it is simply amazing how your thoughts are super-focused on what is happening NOW. The focus of attention of the practitioner moves effortlessly from one second to the next. When working with this gentle but large animal; there are no thoughts about what happened in the past, what someone did or didn’t do. There are no thoughts of; how will I do this or that differently next time. It is all about NOW!

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If you feel (and many of us do) that yoga is mainly a physical activity – practicing Yoga with Horses will reveal the mental component of yoga – absolutely. Of course you won’t be thinking about this paragraph when you’re with the horse. Why? Because you will be focusing on what you’re doing at- that-very-moment!

Our guests, Gerry Scott (owner of Stowe Mountain Ranch) talks with host Jane Lanza about the many interesting angles to Yoga with Horses and some of the places available to engage in this new and very interesting twist on yoga.

Have a look at the 2 minute free preview below.

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  • 10 years ago

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