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Yoga NOW is pleased to offer you this courtesy edition of Meditation meets Yoga
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Oh, I was so wrong! For the longest time I thought meditation was just sitting in a quiet place thinking happy thoughts. Or maybe it was that time just after waking in the morning where my mind created all sorts of clever thoughts of what I would do that day.
Recently, I was lucky enough to sit-in on a lecture and interview (and film it, of course) with Danny Morris from the Center for Mindful Learning. The result for me was a shift, really a total reset from scratch about my thoughts on meditation. I don’t know how I could’ve gone this long with my mistaken understanding. But I have to say, the way Danny expressed the ideas really makes sense. He gave a great perspective on the connection between meditation and yoga.
(continued below the 2 minute preview video)
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One fundamental idea is the tie-in of meditation to the 8 limbs of yoga; specifically the last 3 limbs, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Here’s the quick translation of these 3 terms. Dharana is concentration, the precursor to meditation. Dhyana is traditionally understood as meditation. The final limb, Samadhi is the end goal of meditation. It’s the place you strive for but few have achieved. Danny talks about his trip to India to find and learn the way to achieve Samadhi. Spoiler alert – the quest remains alive and well for Danny but he did come back with an interesting story that he talks about.
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This month’s episode, Meditation meets Yoga is a combination of a talk between our host Jane Lanza and Danny plus a 12 minute section of Danny’s meditation lecture presented to a class of yoga teacher trainees at the Liberate School of Yoga.
If you’ve wondered what meditation is about; this episode is a great intro. I certainly learned some things about meditation that I can apply to my time on the mat. So meditate your way through this 27 minute episode, you’ll love it.
The preview video with a written transcript is available at
– Willy V | Assoc. Producer
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Transcript of Preview Video
JANE. Hi, welcome to Yoga Now. I’m your host Jane Lanza and I’m joined today with a dear friend and one of the strongest meditators I know, Danny Morris. Welcome to the show.
DANNY. Thanks, it’s really great to be here.
JANE. We just had the pleasure of a lecture with Danny on the origins of meditation and learning a bit more about the different types of meditation and how they evolve from different places around the world and most importantly how they apply to us as yoga teachers and yoga teacher trainees. So Danny, can you tell us what was the highlight of that talk, what would you like us to walk away knowing about meditation?
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DANNY. Sure, I think it’s really important to understand how the word meditation is used; how different traditions relate to that word in different ways and the different type of meditations that can be done. Sometimes meditation can be used as a catchall phrase and be a very generic term. So when we’re describing different meditation techniques it’s important to be very clear about what kind of meditation we’re doing and how to do that type of meditation.
DANNY (Lecture Excerpt). Welcome everyone. We’re going to start with a little centering meditation to kind of get us in the right mood to also listen. So one of the first things that I’m going to talk about is how the word meditation is used in so many different contexts and so many different ways and how people relate to it. There’re a lot of different meditation techniques.
JANE. Hi this is Jane, I’d just like to take a second to remind you that you can sign-up for our newsletter and as a bonus receive free full length episodes of Yoga Now. It’s a great way to stay up with the news in the yoga world. Just click on the subscribe button at the top of this screen.
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Enthusiasm for yoga is great! Remember not to overdo one thing. Keep a balance of all things for best overall body and mind.