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Jane Lanza: Hi, welcome to the show. I’m your host Jane Lanza. We’re joined today by Carmen Walker for a very special edition about Ayurveda and Yoga. Welcome to the show.
Carmen Walker: Thank you.
Jane Lanza: Can you explain to us what Ayurveda is?
Carmen Walker: Sure. So, Ayurveda is a medical system that originates from India and what I love about it is it’s considered the oldest medical system. It’s 5000 years old and it’s considered the sister science to Yoga. Ayurveda is a system, a medical system that diagnoses, and assesses, and treats based around the five elements. The five elements in Ayurveda are ether, air, fire, water, and earth. There’s a belief that everyone contains the five elements. There’s just a particular ratio of what elements predominate in each person.
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Jane Lanza: You could take a quiz to figure out your dosha right? That’s one common way.
Carmen Walker: Mm-hmm.
The best source for Ayurvedic herbs and Ayurvedic supplies in my opinion, it’s where I point all of my clients to. Is a company that’s based out west, called Banyon Botanicals.
I definitely say for people that struggle with headaches or migraines to definitely keep rosewater spray on deck.
Jane Lanza: Hi, this is Jane. I just want to take a second to remind you. You can sign up for our newsletter and as a bonus get access to free full length episodes of Yoga Now. It’s a great way to stay up on the news in the yoga world! Just click on the subscribe button here at the bottom of the screen.
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RELATED Blog Post: Ayurvedic Diet & Principles for Summer[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Yoga & Natural Horsemanship
You may have guessed that at Yoga NOW, we see a lot of benefit to living, being, and thinking in the Now moment – the present. Rather than spending minutes that turn into hours or days thinking about what happened in the past; or the flipside, thinking about how things will be in the future – living, being, thinking about events happening – right now – is much more beneficial. This has been demonstrated by a great many people. Here’s the connection between Now-ism and Yoga with Horses.
Engaging in a yoga practice with a 1300 pound horse (and a qualified teacher, of course); it is simply amazing how your thoughts are super-focused on what is happening NOW. The focus of attention of the practitioner moves effortlessly from one second to the next. When working with this gentle but large animal; there are no thoughts about what happened in the past, what someone did or didn’t do. There are no thoughts of; how will I do this or that differently next time. It is all about NOW!
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If you feel (and many of us do) that yoga is mainly a physical activity – practicing Yoga with Horses will reveal the mental component of yoga – absolutely. Of course you won’t be thinking about this paragraph when you’re with the horse. Why? Because you will be focusing on what you’re doing at- that-very-moment!
Our guests, Gerry Scott (owner of Stowe Mountain Ranch) talks with host Jane Lanza about the many interesting angles to Yoga with Horses and some of the places available to engage in this new and very interesting twist on yoga.
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Jane Lanza: Hi. Welcome to Yoga Now. I’m your host Jane Lanza, and we’re on location today at Stowe Mountain Ranch with Gerry Scott. Welcome to the show.
Gerry Scott: Oh, thank you very much.
Jane Lanza: It’s a pleasure to be here, and upon arriving I’m astounded at how beautiful it is. You have a really special place here. When I enter, I’m not sure, is it more of a ranch, or a more of a yoga studio? How would you say?
Gerry Scott: It is interesting. Well, I think it’s fair to say that it’s pretty equally both. Yeah, and it’s mostly a Vermont feel here, but there’s also sort of a Rocky Mountain feel. If you look around, you’ll find some, including some of these, and a Western feel. These saddles are from Texas as well, but it’s heavily Vermont.
Jane Lanza: So one thing Gerry and I have in common is our love of horses, and Gerry is far more of an expert than I am. He’s actually been locally dubbed as the “Stowe cowboy” and has a history with horses we can talk a little bit about. For people who are horsemen or horsewomen, you can learn how to appropriately stretch your muscles, how to practice breathing techniques on the horse, how to stay meditative and calm. Secondly, you can learn how to actually stretch your horse, right?
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Gerry Scott: Mm-hmm.
Jane Lanza: Dangling a carrot in certain . . . directions, you can teach your horse yoga.
Gerry Scott: It’s funny you said that
Gerry Scott: Yeah. That’s called carrot posture.
Jane Lanza: Carrot posture.
Gerry Scott: Right.
Jane Lanza: Then thirdly, it’s sort of a subtle layer of experience or an energetic exchange between you and the horse that you’ve talked about dating back hundreds of years when humans or Native Americans were first meeting the horse and developing that sense of union, that we’re creating a real sense of connection or yoga.
Gerry Scott: Right.
Jane Lanza: . . . that’s beyond even asana.
Gerry Scott: Of course, Cathy and I were co-captains, so to speak, at Wanderlust . . .
Jane Lanza: Yes.
Gerry Scott: . . . in Stratton last year.
Jane Lanza: Yes.
Gerry Scott: We ran the first ever Yoga With Horses program. We took 6 horses, 10 yoga teachers, ran 10 classes for 300 students.
Jane Lanza: And it was such a blast.
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