Category Archives for "YN BLOG"

Yoga and Parenting | Yoga NOW Show

Posted, February 16, 2015

Yoga and Parenting – time for both | Yoga NOW Show

The expression goes, “kids don’t come with a manual”. If I ask most parents, there would probably be a lot of agreement. But did you ever wonder; do parents just not read the manual? I didn’t. This month we have some very helpful, even insightful tips for parents – no matter what age the kids. And you kids…. listen up too. There’s something for you as well.

(Be sure and read to the end. We have some changes, hopefully they’re improvements, in viewing the show that I’ll talk about.)

Our guest, Emily Garrett is a mother of 2 small children, a working mom, a yogi, and the owner of a yoga studio. “Busy” is an inadequate word to describe her life. Modest as she is, it is definitely worth listening carefully to what’s working for her. Frankly, a lot of what she’s doing is very do-able for most anyone.

I can hear you saying this now; “I’m too busy with the kids to watch a video”. Let me help you get beyond that so you can get the help you need. The video is only 15 minutes long. That’s it, just 15 minutes. Here’s the 2 minute show preview but keep reading after the preview because we’ve gone a step further to help you sleep deprived, time stressed parents.

(continued below the 2  minute preview video)

watch the 2 minute preview

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This episode (the full length version) and all future episodes are divided into sections. Each section has a short description, just a few words, that you can click on and jump directly to that part of the show. This makes it easy to watch or re-watch sections of interest to you. You can also view the show in multiple sittings rather than all at once. Here’s how you do it; click in the middle of the video to get it started as usual. Then you can click on one of the links to go directly there or of course you can just watch it beginning to end. Either way, we hope this is a convenience for you.

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Here’s a list of the sections in this episode so you can get an idea of the content in this terrific Yoga and Parenting episode of Yoga NOW.

• The Family
• Yoga After Kids
• Applying Yoga to Parenting
• How a Yoga Practice Benefits New Parents
• Use Compassion (ahimsa)
• Benefits of Meditation
• Beginning Yoga for New Parents
• Partner Yoga for Parents or Not?
• Single Parents and Yoga
• Other Advice
• Tate’s Debut

The preview video with a written transcript is available at

– Willy V | Assoc. Producer

If you’re new to Yoga NOW, this is your chance to see 2 Full Length premium episodes of Yoga Now for Free! You’ll also get the newsletter and receive monthly notice of new episodes and get to watch the previews – all for free. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and stay up on the happenings in yoga: Sign-up Below!


Our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link below to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

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Check out these recent blog posts.

Meditation Meets Yoga | Yoga Now Show

Four Noble Truths Video | Buddhism & Yoga

  • 10 years ago

Meditation Meets YOGA | Yoga NOW Show

Posted, January 15, 2015

Meditation meets Yoga | Yoga NOW Show

Oh, I was so wrong! For the longest time I thought meditation was just sitting in a quiet place thinking happy thoughts. Or maybe it was that time just after waking in the morning where my mind created all sorts of clever thoughts of what I would do that day.

Recently, I was lucky enough to sit-in on a lecture and interview (and film it, of course) with Danny Morris from the Center for Mindful Learning. The result for me was a shift, really a total reset from scratch about my thoughts on meditation. I don’t know how I could’ve gone this long with my mistaken understanding. But I have to say, the way Danny expressed the ideas really makes sense. He gave a great perspective on the connection between meditation and yoga.

(continued below the 2 minute preview video)

watch the 2 minute preview

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One fundamental idea is the tie-in of meditation to the 8 limbs of yoga; specifically the last 3 limbs, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Here’s the quick translation of these 3 terms. Dharana is concentration, the precursor to meditation. Dhyana is traditionally understood as meditation. The final limb, Samadhi is the end goal of meditation. It’s the place you strive for but few have achieved. Danny talks about his trip to India to find and learn the way to achieve Samadhi. Spoiler alert – the quest remains alive and well for Danny but he did come back with an interesting story that he talks about.

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This month’s episode, Meditation meets Yoga is a combination of a talk between our host Jane Lanza and Danny plus a 12 minute section of Danny’s meditation lecture presented to a class of yoga teacher trainees at the Liberate School of Yoga.

If you’ve wondered what meditation is about; this episode is a great intro. I certainly learned some things about meditation that I can apply to my time on the mat. So meditate your way through this 27 minute episode, you’ll love it.

The preview video with a written transcript is available at

– Willy V | Assoc. Producer

If you’re new to Yoga NOW, this is your chance to see 2 Full Length premium episodes of Yoga Now for Free! You’ll also get the newsletter and receive monthly notice of new episodes and get to watch the previews – all for free. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and stay up on the happenings in yoga: Sign-up Below!


Our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link below to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

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Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 10 years ago

Unique Yoga Gift Ideas | Yoga NOW Show


Unique Yoga Gift Ideas | Yoga NOW Show

As the holiday season is upon us, we are pleased to bring you an encore presentation of a terrific episode that is perfect for this time of year! If you wonder about gift giving; who will get what, how much to spend, where to get it, will they like it, on and on. This is a great episode for you! (continued below the 2 minute preview video)

watch the 2 minute preview

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Our host Jane Lanza has 2 terrific guests that bring some amazing insight into all things gift related. Whether you’re in the mind of the gift giver or the gift receiver, there is insight that will help you to create a low stress and memorable holiday season.

Jenn Jarecki is a yoga teacher and former chamber or commerce member. You might be a bit surprised about her view on commercialism and gift giving.

Miv London is a yoga and meditation teacher and a practicing psychologist at the University of Vermont. She has some very practical gifting tips for us and also leads a short calming meditation called Metta meditation.

When there are many demands on your time during the holidays; ask this question. How will this action serve me if I do it. How will this action serve me if I don’t do it.

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This episode is loaded with practical gift giving advice that you can use for years to come. Here are some examples.

  • Ask yourself, what do I have to give that can serve this other person. The answer does not have to be at a store. Give to others without a need to be thanked for giving. Give what is personally meaningful.
  • 13 ways to offer service or give low cost or no cost gifts
  • 5 clever ways to purchase a gift that is not necessarily a “thing”
  • 4 tips on charitable giving
  • What practices generate lasting feelings of connectedness to one another? One example is Metta mediation or loving-kindness meditation.
  • Recommendations for buying pre-made gifts and really stretching a buck (pardon the pun)
  • 6 ways to trim the holiday stress
  • The secret to being a great gift receiver

Everyone will find something helpful in this episode!

The preview video with a written transcript is available at

If you’re new to Yoga NOW, this is your chance to see 2 Full Length premium episodes of Yoga Now for Free! You’ll also get the newsletter and receive monthly notice of new episodes and get to watch the previews – all for free. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and stay up on the happenings in yoga: Sign-up Below!


Our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link below to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

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Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 10 years ago

In Need of Yoga … NOW

You can tell when someone needs to get back on the mat

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  • 10 years ago

Ana Forrest Interview | Jane’s Yoga Class


Ana Forrest Interview | Jane’s Yoga Class

This month Yoga Now has a terrific double-header for you. We have a rarely seen video interview with the extraordinary Ana Forrest. It’s less than 10 minutes long and has a lot of insight and power. A definite “must see”! In the next segment of the episode, we have some excellent excerpts of a class from the Burlington Yoga Conference taught by our own Jane Lanza. (continued below the 2 minute preview video)

watch the 2 minute preview

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For nearly 4 decades, Ana Forrest has been sharing her unique combination of yoga and emotional healing with people throughout the world. The benefit of her work extends beyond yoga students to include military personnel who have experienced all make and manner of emotional and physical trauma. Ana describes her work as “mending the hoop of the people”. That’s a reference to her strong influence by Native American healing methods and traditions.

Ana’s book, Fierce Medicine: Breakthrough Practices to Heal the Body and Ignite the Spirit was released in 2011. In the interview, Ana talks a bit about that.

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Included in the interview, you get to watch Ana provide some guidance and healing on our host. That was quite unexpected during the interview and we were thrilled to get it on camera. The interview, originally recorded at a Wanderlust event was bonus content only available to premium members. Due to the power of this interview, we’re making it more broadly available.

Now for the 2nd part of this episode: The University of Vermont has been the home of the Burlington Yoga Conference for a number of years. During the most recent conference, we were lucky to have our cameras running during a morning class taught by Jane Lanza. The room was packed and live music was performed by Yogi Patrick McAndrew.

We’ve pulled together a few interesting clips of the class to give you the flavor and feel of what the participants enjoyed. We were able to highlight one of the students to serve as a model for many of the poses during the class. I think you’ll enjoy the short overview video of the class.

The preview video with a written transcript is available at

If you’re new to Yoga NOW, this is your chance to see 2 Full Length premium episodes of Yoga Now for Free! You’ll also get the newsletter and receive monthly notice of new episodes and get to watch the previews – all for free. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and stay up on the happenings in yoga: Sign-up Below!


Our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link below to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

Premium Membership

Single Episode Membership

Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 10 years ago

Four Noble Truths | Buddhism & Yoga


Four Noble Truths Video | Buddhism & Yoga

This month Yoga Now has the pleasure of talking with guest Lama Migmar about his new book Awakening to the Noble Truth and several other topics directly related to Yoga. Lama Migmar is the first Buddhist Chaplain at Harvard University. We met with him recently following a Yoga on Church Street event in Burlington, Vermont. (continued below the 2 minute preview video)

watch the 2 minute preview

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Lama Migmar talks about his practice of Buddhist yoga as part of his spiritual development and contrasts that with yoga in the west. He sees a variety of motivations and purposes for yoga practitioners. Having both the traditional lineage based yoga as well as the “personalized” western styles of yoga can help to broaden yoga’s overall appeal and better serve the needs of the individual.

Yoga NOW host, Jane Lanza has met with Lama Migmar on previous occasions. In this interview, the two talk about Lama Migmar’s early yoga training and his views on how yoga is evolving in the west.

One of the four major traditions in Tibetan Buddhism is Sakya. Lama Migmar discusses a bit of its history and talks about the Sakya Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts and its role in the community.

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Many yogis will find an interesting discussion of Mongalam Yantra Yoga. What is it? How is it different from other yoga styles and what benefits await the practitioner.

Lama Migmar discusses his teaching in North America and Europe and what he hopes to bring to people. His new book, Awakening to the Noble Truth, represents the answer to questions from many of his students about the four noble truths. In the book, his thoughts are delivered in a clear and easily understood conversational style. This interview is a must-see for yogis of all styles and students of Buddhism.

The preview video with a written transcript is available at

Now’s your chance to see 2 Full Length premium episodes of Yoga Now for Free! You’ll also get the newsletter and receive monthly notice of new episodes and get to watch the previews – all for free. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and stay up on the happenings in yoga: Sign-up Below!


If you’re new to Yoga NOW, our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link below to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

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Related FREE Interview:

Lama Migmar Interview on Yoga NOW at the Burlington Yoga Conference

Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 10 years ago

Ayurveda Quiz | Yoga NOW | Ayurveda Video


Ayurveda Quiz on Yoga Now

We ran a quick 2 minute contest yesterday for our Yoga Now free members. It was sort of a mid-week diversion – an opportunity to spend a couple of minutes thinking about our collective passion for all things yoga. It was 3 questions based on this month’s Yoga Now show preview.

I promised today I would give the answers, and so I shall. But let’s see if you know the answers (without peeking). The topic is on Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga. OK, here we go:

  1. Ayurveda believes that people and things are made of 5 elements; earth, water, air, fire, and, ___________ (fill in the blank).
  1. Ayurveda is a __________ (select an answer below).

a. Type of yoga
b. Religion
c. Medical system
d. None of the above

  1. This type of water helps in relieving headaches (select an answer below).

a. Sea water
b. Bottled water
c. Rose water
d. New York city tap water

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Need a hint? Watch the 2 minute preview

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Let’s see how you did. Here are the answers.

  1. Ayurveda believes that people and things are made of 5 elements; earth, water, air, fire, and, ether.
  1. Ayurveda is a __________ (select an answer below).

a. Type of yoga
b. Religion
c. Medical system
d. None of the above

  1. This type of water helps in relieving headaches (select an answer below).

a. Sea water
b. Bottled water
c. Rose water
d. New York city tap water

If you’re wondering, the winners (everyone’s really a winner – right?)  received an upgrade to a Premium membership to the Yoga NOW show!

By the way, if you want to read the transcript of the preview video, you can do that and also see the preview here,

Now’s your chance to see 2 Full Length premium episodes of Yoga Now for Free! You’ll also get the newsletter and receive monthly notice of new episodes and get to watch the previews – all for free. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and stay up on the happenings in yoga: Sign-up Below!


If you’re new to Yoga NOW, our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link below to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

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Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 10 years ago

Ayurvedic Diet Preview Video | Yoga NOW


Ayurvedic Diet & Principles for Summer

The Yoga Now show talks with guest Carmen Walker about Ayurvedic Principles & Diet for Summer. If you’re into yoga but are not acquainted with Ayurveda, this episode is a great introduction. (continued below the 2 minute preview video)

watch the 2 minute preview

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Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga, it’s a 5000 year old medical system that originated in India. At the center of Ayurveda is the idea that people and things are made up of elements. For example, people are made up of varying proportions of five elements; air, fire, water, earth, and ether. Although these elements may not have made the list on the big chart in your high school chemistry class, they do serve well as a framework for the understanding of the body within the Ayurvedic system. The idea of elements also extends to the seasons of the year. Take summer for instance, the dominant element is fire.

With that as a starting point, our host Jane Lanza and Carmen Walker explore the essential principles of Ayurveda and how the Ayurvedic diet can be used to maintain a cool, comfortable, and healthy body during the summer months. There are some amazingly simple practices that help you feel good during summer.

If you’re wondering, where’s the yoga in this? Rest assured, Carmen talks about yoga postures that integrate with the Ayurvedic diet and make an effective overall practice to keep you feeling tip top

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If you’re looking for recommendations for books or botanicals (Ayurvedic supplements, supplies, etc.); it’s all in the show including a great tasting recipe for a cooling summer drink. As a bonus, Carmen gives a demonstration on a breathing technique that you can practice called Sitali Pranayam – it’s really worth seeing (and practicing)

Here’s a summary of the topics covered in this episode:

  • Ayurvedic medical system – brief history
  • 5 elements
  • Dosha quiz
  • Your constitution
  • Simple Ayurvedic principles
  • Foods to keep handy
  • Improving sleep
  • Drinking water – important tips
  • Foods – effect of various types
  • Integrating medical systems
  • Ayurvedic supplements
  • Ayurveda book recommendation
  • Ayurvedic drink recipe
  • Breathing technique demonstration

Our guest, Carmen Walker (Ayurvedic consultant, psychotherapist,  and yoga teacher) talks with host Jane Lanza about the many healthful aspects to Ayurveda and some feel-good tips you can use right now.

By the way, if you want to read the transcript of the preview video, you can do that and also see the preview here,

Now’s your chance to see 2 Full Length premium episodes of Yoga Now for Free! You’ll also get the newsletter and receive monthly notice of new episodes and get to watch the previews – all for free. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and stay up on the happenings in yoga: Sign-up Below!


If you’re new to Yoga NOW, our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link below to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

Premium Membership

Single Episode Membership

Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 10 years ago

Yoga & Natural Horsemanship Video | Yoga NOW


Yoga & Natural Horsemanship

Natural Horsemanship & Yoga | A new twist growing in popularity

You may have guessed that at Yoga NOW, we see a lot of benefit to living, being, and thinking in the Now moment – the present. Rather than spending minutes that turn into hours or days thinking about what happened in the past; or the flipside, thinking about how things will be in the future – living, being, thinking about events happening – right now – is much more beneficial. This has been demonstrated by a great many people. Here’s the connection between Now-ism and Yoga with Horses.

Engaging in a yoga practice with a 1300 pound horse (and a qualified teacher, of course); it is simply amazing how your thoughts are super-focused on what is happening NOW. The focus of attention of the practitioner moves effortlessly from one second to the next. When working with this gentle but large animal; there are no thoughts about what happened in the past, what someone did or didn’t do. There are no thoughts of; how will I do this or that differently next time. It is all about NOW!

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If you feel (and many of us do) that yoga is mainly a physical activity – practicing Yoga with Horses will reveal the mental component of yoga – absolutely. Of course you won’t be thinking about this paragraph when you’re with the horse. Why? Because you will be focusing on what you’re doing at- that-very-moment!

Our guests, Gerry Scott (owner of Stowe Mountain Ranch) talks with host Jane Lanza about the many interesting angles to Yoga with Horses and some of the places available to engage in this new and very interesting twist on yoga.

Have a look at the 2 minute free preview below.

Sign-up for our Free newsletter and complimentary Full Length episodes. Sign-up Below!


If you’re new to Yoga NOW, our Single Episode Members get to view individual full length episodes of their choosing for a small fee! Our Premium Members, those who don’t want to miss a thing, get every episode at a very affordable price. For more information on our membership levels, please visit here,

Click the link to sign-up for the Premium or Single Episode membership to the Yoga NOW show!

Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 10 years ago