Yoga and Parenting | Yoga NOW Show
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Posted, February 16, 2015
Yoga and Parenting – time for both | Yoga NOW Show
The expression goes, “kids don’t come with a manual”. If I ask most parents, there would probably be a lot of agreement. But did you ever wonder; do parents just not read the manual? I didn’t. This month we have some very helpful, even insightful tips for parents – no matter what age the kids. And you kids…. listen up too. There’s something for you as well.
(Be sure and read to the end. We have some changes, hopefully they’re improvements, in viewing the show that I’ll talk about.)
Our guest, Emily Garrett is a mother of 2 small children, a working mom, a yogi, and the owner of a yoga studio. “Busy” is an inadequate word to describe her life. Modest as she is, it is definitely worth listening carefully to what’s working for her. Frankly, a lot of what she’s doing is very do-able for most anyone.
I can hear you saying this now; “I’m too busy with the kids to watch a video”. Let me help you get beyond that so you can get the help you need. The video is only 15 minutes long. That’s it, just 15 minutes. Here’s the 2 minute show preview but keep reading after the preview because we’ve gone a step further to help you sleep deprived, time stressed parents.
(continued below the 2 minute preview video)
watch the 2 minute preview
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This episode (the full length version) and all future episodes are divided into sections. Each section has a short description, just a few words, that you can click on and jump directly to that part of the show. This makes it easy to watch or re-watch sections of interest to you. You can also view the show in multiple sittings rather than all at once. Here’s how you do it; click in the middle of the video to get it started as usual. Then you can click on one of the links to go directly there or of course you can just watch it beginning to end. Either way, we hope this is a convenience for you.
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Here’s a list of the sections in this episode so you can get an idea of the content in this terrific Yoga and Parenting episode of Yoga NOW.
• The Family
• Yoga After Kids
• Applying Yoga to Parenting
• How a Yoga Practice Benefits New Parents
• Use Compassion (ahimsa)
• Benefits of Meditation
• Beginning Yoga for New Parents
• Partner Yoga for Parents or Not?
• Single Parents and Yoga
• Other Advice
• Tate’s Debut
The preview video with a written transcript is available at http://cnow.tv/yoga-and-parenting-video-yoga-now/
– Willy V | Assoc. Producer
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