Category Archives for "YN BLOG 2013"

Green Yoga – Gillian & Russell Comstock on Yoga NOW

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Posted, December 10, 2013

Right now, in the northern hemisphere the earth has settled into winter, a period of rejuvenation. During the upcoming holiday season, wouldn’t a little rejuvenation be a great thing for you too?

Pour a cup of tea, invigorate yourself and enjoy the Yoga NOW episode sized just right for this time of year. In only 18 minutes learn about the natural path between yogis and their connection to the earth.

From Yoga NOW and; we wish all of our friends around the world, the best of the season. – Namaste

You’re invited to view the free 2 minute preview of Yoga NOW to catch a glimpse of your connection to the earth with Gillian and Russell. (See the free 2 minute preview below)

In this 18 minute episode, available exclusively to Premium or Single-Episode Members, host Jane Lanza talks with Gillian Comstock and Russell Comstock co-directors of the Metta Earth Institute about;

  • Yoga, a path to personal awareness
  • Where does awareness begin and end
  • What I like – What needs to change
  • Getting Active
  • The Beauty
  • And More…..

Gillian Comstock, Co-Director of Metta Earth Institute, Inc., is dedicated to creating sanctuaries for others to experience vibrant presence. With a passion for discovering the wild in mind, body, and earth, she has led yoga retreats, wilderness quests, and trainings in nature sanctuaries around the world.

Russell Comstock, Co-Director of Metta Earth Institute, Inc., has given his life to living, learning, and loving. As stepfather of twenty five years to three grown sons, Russell is dedicated to fathering, family, and community life. Always moved by the soul of earth, he holds an MA in Contemplative and Ecological Leadership and a BA in Human Ecology.

If you are interested in learning about your connection to the earth, check out our 2 minute free preview of this episode (below).

The FULL episode is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

If you’re not quite ready for a paid membership, then try out our FREE Membership. Signup is quick and easy and you’ll be able to immediately watch a recent FULL length episode of Yoga NOW.

Also, previous full length episodes can be purchased individually!

If you are interested in learning how yoga can improve your life, sign up for a FREE Membership and check out one of our recent FULL length episodes.

This episode, Green Yoga, is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter

Yoga NOW August Episode – Yoga for Better Sex with Lauren Rudick[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago

Gift Giving the Yoga Way – Jenn Jarecki & Miv London on Yoga NOW

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Posted, November 26, 2013

Today, do you have images of a festive holiday table filled with food and a house full of friends and family? Or maybe you’re thinking of a fine meal and a quiet gathering with that special person. For all of our friends in the US, Thursday is the Thanksgiving holiday.

Of course we always recommend staying in the present moment, in the NOW moment. For many people, especially during the holiday time of year, that idea is even more important. NOW is the only time when we have the power to make things happen. NOW is the essence of a happy life.

The day after Thanksgiving is the start of a big selling craze for gift giving at Christmas and Hanukkah. It’s a really big “push” for commercial activity. The psychology of selling and economics of the holidays will be left to others to discuss.

But if you’re a bit of a rebel and are looking for a deeper meaning during the holidays or a way to celebrate with others and engage in sincere gift-giving; then listen to the insights from our guests, Jenn Jarecki and Miv London on our November episode of Yoga NOW.

Getting back to the idea of NOW, Thanksgiving is almost here and then it’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the race is on! Or you could check out the show, right NOW and find a different “way of being” that’s soothing to your soul during the holidays.

From Yoga NOW and; we wish all of our friends around the world, the best of the season. – Namaste

You’re invited to view the free 2 minute preview of Yoga NOW to catch a glimpse of the sage advice from Jenn and Miv. (See the free 2 minute preview below)

In this 38 minute episode, available exclusively to Premium or Single-Episode Members, host Jane Lanza talks with Jenn Jarecki and Miv London about;

• Source of personal fulfillment
• Meaning of the holidays
• Gift giving race
• Flip-side of gifting
• Yoga breath control and grounding
• Permit yourself to say NO
• Give like a yogi – How-to Guide
• And Much More…..

Jenn Jarecki is the Events Director at Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce in Burlington, Vermont. She also teaches yoga at South End Studio and Laughing River Yoga.

Miv London is a long time yogi and meditation practitioner and also a psychologist working with students at the University of Vermont and in private practice.

If you’re interested in learning how yoga can improve your life, check out our 2 minute free preview of this episode (below).

The FULL episode is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

If you’re not quite ready for a paid membership, then try out our FREE Membership. Signup is quick and easy and you’ll be able to immediately watch a recent FULL length episode of Yoga NOW.

Also, previous full length episodes can be purchased individually!

If you are interested in learning how yoga can improve your life, sign up for a FREE Membership and check out one of our recent FULL length episodes.

This episode, Yoga Guide to Happy Holidays, is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter

Yoga NOW August Episode – Yoga for Better Sex with Lauren Rudick[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago

Yoga Guide to Happy Holidays – Jenn Jarecki & Miv London on Yoga NOW

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Posted, November 9, 2013

The HOLIDAYS – Ugh. Everyone expects something from you – kids, parents, family, friends, or spouse. It’s even more during the holiday season! They’re expecting gifts, extravagant feasts, and parties. And it’s your job to make that come true, right? You know it and everyone else does too. So you’ll go to the ends of the earth to make everyone happy – even if it means you become miserable.

Where does all of that emotion and motivation come from? If you’re thinking that all of the “must have, must do” push comes from “out there”; that’s only part of the story. Each of us has more to do with what’s happening in our life than we might think!

Try this thought; be the master of all that happens in your life. If things are going well, it’s your doing. If your life seems dull, that too is all yours. The great news is; since you’re laying claim to everything in your life, you can shape it and change it and make it be what you want. You don’t need to ask anyone’s permission before making changes because it’s all yours. You are the owner of the life that you create. You can darn well change it at the time and in the way that you like!

Coming back to the holiday season, Jenn and Miv give you a point of view and excellent practical tips on how you can create a holiday season that matches the dream that YOU have for yourself. (See the 2 minute preview below)

In this 38 minute episode, available exclusively to Premium or Single-Episode Members, host Jane Lanza talks with Jenn Jarecki and Miv London about;

• Source of personal fulfillment
• Meaning of the holidays
• Gift giving race
• Flip-side of gifting
• Yoga breath control and grounding
• Permit yourself to say NO
• Give like a yogi – How-to Guide
• And Much More…..

Jenn Jarecki is the Events Director at Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce in Burlington, Vermont. She also teaches yoga at South End Studio and Laughing River Yoga.

Miv London is a long time yogi and meditation practitioner and also a psychologist working with students at the University of Vermont and in private practice.

If you’re interested in learning how yoga can improve your life, check out our 2 minute free preview of this episode (below).

The FULL episode is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

If you’re not quite ready for a paid membership, then try out our FREE Membership. Signup is quick and easy and you’ll be able to immediately watch a recent FULL length episode of Yoga NOW.

Also, previous full length episodes can be purchased individually!

If you are interested in learning how yoga can improve your life, sign up for a FREE Membership and check out one of our recent FULL length episodes.

This episode, Yoga Guide to Happy Holidays, is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

Check out these recent blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter

Yoga NOW August Episode – Yoga for Better Sex with Lauren Rudick[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago

Yoga Will Find You – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Posted, September 29, 2013

Yoga Will Find You – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

How can you find the teachings of yoga? I mean the good stuff, the things that change lives. Sure, getting tight abs and a firm booty; that’s one thing. Like an iceberg, the physical aspects of yoga represent the small prominent part above the water line. Many people in the west, new to yoga, attend weekly classes. They can spend months or even a few years practicing the postures, seeing some physical results but never learning much about the part of yoga “below the water line”.

Prem Prakash, author of Yoga American Style says that the mental aspects of yoga are actually a bigger piece of the path of yoga than the physical practice. Paraphrasing from Prem Prakash, “yoga will find you”. I take that to mean that once you’ve reached a point of accomplishment in your physical practice and you start thinking about what more is there; you will start to notice the teachers around you and recognize them as such.

Yogiraj is the title given to Prem Prakash by the Institute of the Himalayan Tradition. Yogiraj means an advanced yogi who is living and participating in the world – as opposed to a yogi in seclusion who is disconnected from society and relationships.

Prem Prakash is American born from Philadelphia; “the city of brotherly shove”, as he whimsically terms it. He is able to connect with western audiences with clarity and insight.

In this 56 minute episode, available exclusively to Premium or Single-Episode Members, host Jane Lanza talks with Prem Prakash about;

  • The body is not the problem
  • Fear, loneliness, & confusion
  • The simple definition of spirituality
  • Where is happiness
  • The power of 1 minute
  • Big Biker Dudes
  • And Much More…..

When not writing (he’s authored 4 books and several audio products), Prem Prakash can be found teaching Yoga and meditation in and around Middlebury, Vermont including special classes for the Middlebury College football team. Yes, he’s certainly a yogi “in the world”. Otherwise, he may be in the forest splitting firewood to keep the Kailash Ashram nice and toasty during the snowy Vermont winters.

If you are interested in learning about how yoga can improve your life, sign up for a FREE Membership and check out our 2 minute free preview of the episode.

The full episode is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

Purchase previous episodes individually!

Check out these blog posts.

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter

Yoga NOW August Episode – Yoga for Better Sex with Lauren Rudick[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago

The Power of 1 Minute – Author Prem Prakash on Yoga NOW

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Posted: September 19, 2013

Yoga is about the physical body and the mind. In America, it’s the physical practice that gets most of the attention.

Prem Prakash, author of Yoga American Style says that the mental aspects of yoga are actually a bigger piece of the path of yoga. Sure, the physical practice is important, there’s no doubt. He says, “practicing the poses is a great way to begin but it’s really an entry way to something bigger” and arguably more important.

Yogiraj is the title given to Prem Prakash by the Institute of the Himalayan Tradition. Yogiraj means an advanced yogi who is living and participating in the world – as opposed to a yogi in seclusion who is disconnected from society and relationships.

Prem Prakash is American born from Philadelphia; “the city of brotherly shove”, as he whimsically terms it. He is able to connect with western audiences with clarity and insight.

In this 56 minute episode, available exclusively to Premium or Single-Episode Members, host Jane Lanza talks with Prem Prakash about;

• The body is not the problem
• Fear, loneliness, & confusion
• The simple definition of spirituality
• Where is happiness
• The power of 1 minute
• Big Biker Dudes
• And Much More…..

When not writing (he’s authored 4 books and several audio products), Prem Prakash can be found teaching Yoga and meditation in and around Middlebury, Vermont including special classes for the Middlebury College football team. Yes, he’s certainly a yogi “in the world”. Otherwise, he may be in the forest splitting firewood to keep the Kailash Ashram nice and toasty during the snowy Vermont winters.

If you are interested in learning about how yoga can improve your life, sign up for a FREE Membership and check out our 2 minute free preview of the episode below.

The full episode is only available to Premium or Single-Episode Subscribers, so join today and don’t miss another episode of Yoga NOW!

Purchase previous episodes individually!

Check out these blog posts.

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter

Yoga NOW August Episode – Yoga for Better Sex with Lauren Rudick[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago

Yoga NOW August Episode – Yoga for Better Sex with Lauren Rudick

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]posted August 11, 2013

August is often referred to as the dog days of summer because we (and our 4 legged friends) move a little slower and look for a cool shady place to relax. Recently at the Yoga NOW studio, there was no slowing down; in fact it was heating up and the only mention of dog was downward dog. Lauren Rudick, creator of the popular class, Yoga for Better Sex was our guest on Yoga NOW and talked about her Avigna Yoga, the stunning jewelry line she’s created and her jam packed classes! Our host, Amanda Anderson was even persuaded to get on the mat and go through some of the Yoga for Better Sex flow under Lauren’s direction. Check out the Free Preview below; If you like the sample, you can get access to the full episode (68 minutes) here or you can even join Yoga NOW as a premium member by clicking here; There’s much more that can be written but why read when you can watch the August episode. Join us! On with the Show!


  • 11 years ago

Yoga NOW July Episode – featuring Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]posted July 11, 2013

The Wanderlust yoga and music festival brought some of the best and most unique people in yoga to the green mountains of Vermont. Yoga NOW was there and talked with Ana Forrest, Seane Corn, Coby Kozlowski, Jordan Mallah, and Annie Carpenter. The weather negotiated with us and eventually provided a dry but overcast day with a view of the mountains in the background. The performance tent that was setup next to us hosted several classes including one featuring a hip-hop music track – that made for some interesting background audio. Altogether, it was a fabulous and unique day! Share it with us! Check out the free preview;

If you’re new to Yoga Now, check out our Free membership that provides you with the Newsletter, selected Free full length episodes, and notification of new episode releases. While you’re there, have a look at the Premium and Single Episode memberships. It’s easy, affordable, and all right here: Anything else worth saying is best heard in the July episode, join us! On with the Show![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago

Yoga NOW June Episode “On the Air” – featuring Devarshi Steven Hartman former Dean of Kripalu, Kreg Weiss cofounder of My Yoga Online, Coral Brown contributor to Yoga Journal, Myra Lewin, Lauren Rudick

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]posted June 7, 2013

It’s here, the June episode of Yoga NOW that was recorded at the recent Burlington Yoga Conference! If you haven’t heard; our host Miss Amanda interviewed some prominent yoga teachers from around the US and Canada during the 2 ½ day event. The show’s only been up a few days but we hear you’re lovin’ it. And what’s not to love; we planned for 10 minute interviews but once the conversations started rolling they were just too fabulous to keep to ourselves. Many of the interviews went to nearly 20 minutes. What we heard was too good to leave behind – so it’s all here and available to Premium Members of Yoga NOW. If you’re new to the show, you can watch a free sample of the episode containing about 2 minutes of each interview. Just click this link Most folks want to sign up after catching a glimpse of these interviews. So here’s how to do it; it’s quick, easy, and inexpensive. Click this link Press the Add to Cart button for Yoga NOW and make the payment by clicking on the credit card symbols. Then you’ll get an email where you’ll quickly finish the registration process. That’s it, you’ll be ready to watch the fabulous June episode! But wait, there’s more: you’ll be a Premium Member of Yoga NOW for 12 months, that means you’ll have access to 12 episodes of the show, one each month. If that’s not enough, just take a look at who’re interviewed in the June episode:

  • Devarshi Steven Hartman, Dean of Pranotthan School of Yoga & former Dean of The Kripalu School of Yoga
  • Kreg Weiss, co-founder of My Yoga Online
  • Coral Brown, contributor to Yoga Journal and teacher of Prana Flow® Yoga, created by Shiva Rea
  • Myra Lewin, of the Hale Pule school of Sustainable Yoga and Ayurveda on the island of Kauai in Hawaii, USA
  • Lauren Rudick, taking Yoga instruction to new audiences

Now, I know you’re ready! Just click here to watch the preview or go directly to sign up as a Premium Member!

One Last Thing – Coming In July: Yoga Now will be at the Wanderlust Festival at Stratton Mountain Vermont interviewing the top presenters at this über festival of Yoga & Music. Sign up today and you’ll be all set to see that episode too!

Purchase individual episodes of Yoga NOW![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago

Yoga Interviews with Devarshi Steven Hartman – former Dean of Kripalu Center for Yoga, Kreg Weiss – co-founder My Yoga Online, Yoga Journal contributor Coral Brown, Myra Lewin, Lauren Rudick

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]posted May 10, 2013

We were just at the Burlington Yoga Conference (May 4, 5) in Burlington Vermont. Our host Amanda Anderson interviewed some prominent yoga teachers from around the US and Canada including:

  • Coral Brown, contributor to Yoga Journal and teacher of Prana Flow® Yoga, created by Shiva Rea
  • Myra Lewin, founder of the Hale Pule school of Sustainable Yoga and Ayurveda on the island of Kauai in Hawaii, USA

The interviews will be available in the June episode of Yoga NOW only for our Premium Members. If you’re a Free Member or just checking out the show for the first time; I urge you to become a Premium Member and see these exciting and informative interviews – only $19.99 for a full year, 12 episodes. The weather was great and the mood inside was very upbeat. Thanks to the organizers, Jane Jarecki Lanza & Ben Lanza who made the 5th annual conference a real hit. Become a Premium Member of Yoga NOW

Devarshi Steven Hartman former Dean of Kripalu Center for Yoga laughing with Yoga NOW host Amanda Anderson during an interview at the Burlington Yoga Conference May 2013


Purchase individual episodes of Yoga NOW![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • 11 years ago